Monday, July 29, 2019

093 / Nihal Gures / Turkey

092 / Lars Schumacher / Germany

091 / Marjan Verhaeghe / Belgium

090 / Roberto Scala / Italy

Roberto send a handmade selection of 500 pieces – each one is different.

089 / Connie Jean / USA

088 / Renee Creager O'Brien / USA

087 / Veronique Pozzi Painè / Italy

086 / Susan Shulman / Canada

Instagram: susanshulmanartist
twitter: @shulman_susan

085 / Moira McCaul / USA

084 / Jack Seiei / Japan

083 / Carole P. Kunstadt / USA

082 / Deborah Stevenson / USA

081 / Zelda Zinn / USA

080 / Dan McCormack / USA

079 / Tina Turbeville / USA

078 / Judith Joseph / USA

077 / Patty Eljaiek / USA

076 / Marsha Balian / USA

075 / Rosalie Gancie / USA

Rosalie writes: I read that Ray Johnson was careful in writing the letter forms he used, but that he was also open to other interpretations of the forms, which kept the work & meaning 'alive'. So I tried to 'read' his ABAD title page with an eye to what other interpretations might be suggested there.

074 / Ria Vanden Eynde / Belgium


073 / William Evertson / USA

072 / Mur Hayman / USA

Instagram: @mur.sherman.hayman

Thursday, July 25, 2019

VIDEO SUBMISSION / Karen Alekyan / Armenia

This is from Karen Alekyan's video made especially for this show. It is entitled "What is the Death?"

VIDEO SUBMISSION / AnnMarie Tornabene / France, USA

This is from AnnMarie Tornabene's performance video made especially for this show. It is entitled "A Gentle Death."

064 / Gabi Minedi & Patrizio Maria / Italy

A beautiful collaboration from a mother and son artist duo from Italy!

Friday, July 12, 2019

062 / Joan Harrison / USA

Joan was co-curator of "Ray Johnson and ABAD" at the C.W. Post Campus of LIU, Greenvale, NY in 2010.

061 / Ed McGowin / USA

060 / Steve Dalachinsky / USA

059 / Rejean F Cote / Canada

Entitled "She Spreaded Her Love Like A Virus"

IG: rf_cote

058 / Berty Skuber / Italy

The new card above for ABAD 2019 is a twin postcard (named "Another Found Metal Snake by Ray Johnson") to “Moon,” Berty's card in the original 2009 ABAD, below.

From Berty:
As you perhaps know, Henry and I have been friends of Ray ....I have done many correspondence pieces with him ...part of them are now at the Museum MUMOK – Wien ....together with Henry’s correspondence of many years.

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