Friday, August 30, 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019

187 / Louise Weinberg / USA

Louise curated an ABAD at the Queens Museum of Art, Flushing Meadows, NY in 2009.

186 / Franticham / Ireland

185 / R.W. Sloggatt / USA

184 / Adel Gorgy / USA

183 / Marsha Solomon / USA

182 / Julie Weaverling / USA

181 / Till Lauer / Switzerland

180 / Mara Hernandez / USA

179 / Sinclair Scripa / USA

178 / Patricia Kranenberg / USA

177 / Ann Stoddard / USA

Ann was curator of "ABAD: Life" at the Elizabeth Stone Harper Gallery at Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC in 2011.

"Holding up the ceiling for RJ" 2019, Digital print


176 / Lisa Sloane / USA

175 / Holly Gordon / USA

174 / Gary Hillier / USA

Monday, August 19, 2019

172 / Lance Rothstein / USA

171 / Lars Åsling / Sweden

170 / Ruggero Maggi / Italy


Ruggero writes: “I knew Ray by mail in 1975. I'm happy to participate in this great project dedicated to him. On my card I have reproduced an image realized by me and him for his well-known ADD & SEND BACK sheets. Surprisingly he drew himself in a bathtub many years before his final choice.”

169 / Maureen Piggins / Canada

168 / Kevin McCormack / USA

167 / Bonnie McLoughlin Stiegler / USA

I have sent 500 postcard editions on various paper types. Each of the cards is unique and contains my original artwork in reference to A Book About Death. The faces of these prints feature four different motifs, some of which are hand-embellished at random on the reverse. Some cards feature doodles, my signature, stickers or text; they vary in degrees of uniqueness and rarity akin to trading cards. I appreciate the way that your work upholds Ray Johnson's legacy and am very honored to participate in this exhibition.

166 / Deb Kasimakis / USA

"Stroke Me"

165 / Robert Goida / USA

"Ballroom Fantasy"

164 / Constance Sloggatt Wolf / USA


163 / Tohei Mano / Japan

162 / John Amber / USA

161 / Emily Krauth / USA

160 / Irina Gendler-Bulgak / USA

159 / Cathie Borrie / Canada

158 / PJ Cirino / USA

157 / Meryl Meisler / USA

This is a cropped version of photograph I took of Ray Johnson signing my address book at I.C.P. in March 1977.

156 / Beth Grabowski / USA

The title is "A True and Perfect Inventory–January 1, 1730"

It is based on an excerpt from the inventory of possessions recorded at the death of a distant ancestor, Dr. Ludolph Bodein, a Quaker residing in Kent County on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

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