Friday, August 9, 2019

138 / Coco Gordon / USA

From Coco Go (an original member of Ray Johnson's Correspondance School):
"My entry starts on the written side of the card which mentions the onion
(…"not with corduroy or onion…”)
So on the flip side is our REONION a permutation of our original 1981 REUNION,
that after the reunion
Became the Reonion, then became the Rayon when the contents he [Ray Johnson] gave me
in 6 large cartons of mail art, 
I placed onto shelves to try on, & we did several ties with different visitors.
(Rayon means Shelves in French) - Then he changed the name to the RAGON, 
which as a gay person I took to mean Rag On after which he kept on sending me clues 
I didn’t  understand until his death. 
He had called me & even left messages on my answering machine 
over & over & sent me  strange letters with Gaugin walking on water, we sent back 'n forth from 1990 on 
Asking me, me did I “Get It?”  & I always said no,

Well... it was Ray Gone!!

 So I found letters he had sent me for my entry this time around."

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